Wholesale: Products & Services

Line Splitting - V43.0

History Log

NOTE: The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") released the Triennial Review Order, 18 FCC Rcd 16978 in 2003, and altered CenturyLink's obligations to provide certain unbundled network elements. As such, these services will no longer be available after the following transition periods, consistent with the terms of the FCC Orders: 1) Loop Splitting - new orders not available after 2004; 2) Line Splitting - new orders not available after 2004; 3) Line Sharing - new orders not available after 2004.

Product Description

Line Splitting provides you with the opportunity to offer your end-users advanced data service simultaneously with certain commercial local services voice products by using the frequency range above the voice band on the copper loop.

The following commercial local services products, which include CenturyLink™ Local Services™ (CLSP™) are available with Line Splitting:

The advanced data service may be provided by the Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC)/Data Local Exchange Carrier (DLEC) or another service provider chosen by you. For purposes of this document CLEC will refer to the voice provider and DLEC to the advanced data service provider. Only one customer of record determined by the CLEC/DLEC partnership, can be identified to CenturyLink. The customer of record is the CLEC/DLEC that is billed for the Line Splitting. The customer of record may designate an authorized agent to perform ordering and/or maintenance and repair functions.

A POTS splitter must be inserted into the commercial local services line to accommodate establishment of the advanced data service. The POTS splitter separates the voice and data traffic and allows the copper loop to be used for simultaneous DLEC data transmission while you provide the voice service to the end-user. Additional information describing the POTS splitter configurations is available in the Collocation web page.

The POTS splitter can be located in your collocation space in the CenturyLink Wire Center or in the Common Area Splitter Collocation in the CenturyLink Wire Center that serves the end-user.

Line Splitting can be requested on existing or new services. The end-user must have dial tone originating from a CenturyLink switch in the Wire Center. Either you or the DLEC must provide the end-user with all equipment required for them to receive separate voice and data services across a copper loop.

Other alternatives for providing data services:

Product Diagram


Line Splitting is available where facilities exist throughout CenturyLink QC.

Terms and Conditions

Line Splitting is provided where existing compatible facilities are available and/or you have authorized construction per the terms and conditions of your Interconnection Agreement. You are responsible for determining whether the physical characteristics of the facility are compatible with your data service. CenturyLink's Interconnection - Shared Loop Technical Publication 77406 informs you which facilities are compatible with Line Splitting.

All splitter collocation installations must be completed prior to submitting Line Splitting requests.

Upon notification of a loss of an end-user account, it is the customer of record's responsibility to notify any other involved parties. Loss and Completion Reports are available and are based on loss and gain account activity. For more information about the reports, see the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

For Line Splitting, there may only be one DLEC at any given time that provides advanced data service on any given line.

Technical Publications

Technical characteristics, including Network Channel/Network Channel Interface (NC/NCI™) codes are described in Technical Publication, Interconnection - Shared Loop, 77406.


Rate Structure

Recurring charges for Line Splitting may consist of the following:

  • Operational Support Systems (OSS)
  • POTS Splitter Shelf Charge
  • Two Interconnection Tie Pairs (2 ITPs), 1 for voice and 1 for combined voice/data, per connection

Nonrecurring Line Splitting charges that may be assessed include:

  • Engineering Charge
  • Installation charge, per circuit
  • POTS Splitter Shelf Charge
  • Reclassification Charge
  • Splitter TIE Cable Connection Charge
  • Loop Conditioning / Cable Unloading and Bridged Tap Removal Charge

Rate information is located in your Interconnection Agreement. Recurring charges bill on a month-to-month basis; term contracts are not available.

These charges are applicable to both converted and new circuits.

One-month minimum billing, contract termination liability and associated contract charges for the product from which the loop is being converted will apply, and will be assessed to the end-user as described in the Local Exchange Tariff for the applicable state.


Wholesale rates for this product or service, including tariff references and any applicable discounts, are provided in your current Interconnection, Resale, Commercial, or other governing agreement.

Tariffs, Regulations and Policy

Tariffs, regulations and policies are located in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.

The commercial local services account must be established, or in the process of being established, before Line Splitting can be added.

If the commercial local services account is disconnected, the data portion of the account must also be disconnected. This information will be reflected in the Loss and Completion Report. Information regarding Loss and Completion Reports is described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

CenturyLink will install and maintain the splitter if it is installed using Common Area Splitter Collocation. You have the options to both purchase POTS splitters and provide them to CenturyLink, or to have CenturyLink purchase them on your behalf, subject to full reimbursement of costs incurred. All splitter collocation installations must be completed before Line Splitting requests can be processed.

Directory Listings are not part of the Line Splitting product offering.

Optional Features

There are no optional features available with Line Splitting.


Features Benefits
Carries data on the High Frequency Spectrum Unbundled Network Element (HUNE) above the voice band on the copper loop. Enables you to offer data services quickly and affordably, without the cost of separate unbundled loops or new facilities. Enables end-users to receive data over the high frequency portion of their existing line and eliminates the need to invest in an additional line.
Provides access to facilities throughout CenturyLink QC. Provides service in rapidly growing areas, including those where there may be a shortage of facilities.


Line Splitting enables you to create a business arrangement with a DLEC to provide data service in conjunction with certain commercial local services voice services that you provide to an end-user. Line Splitting also enables you to provide data service to end-users that do not have spare facilities at their location or who do not desire to purchase an additional line.


Product Prerequisites

If you are a new CLEC and are ready to do business with CenturyLink, view Getting Started as a Facility-Based CLEC. If you are an existing CLEC wishing to amend your Interconnection Agreement or New Customer Questionnaire, additional information is located in the Interconnection Agreement.


General pre-ordering activities are described in the Pre-Ordering Overview.

CenturyLink recommends use of Pre-Ordering functionality to assist in achieving increased service request flow through and accuracy that will result in reduced service request rejects.

The loop qualification queries should be used prior to submitting a service request. Use of these queries can greatly reduce service request rejects by ensuring the types of facilities requested are available prior to placing a service request. The queries will enable you to verify the type of facility and the physical characteristics of the facility. Based on the physical characteristics you can determine if the facility needs to be conditioned, i.e., the removal of load coils or bridged tap, which will assist you in identifying the appropriate service request intervals, described in the Service Interval Guide (SIG).

Some of these queries are available in EASE-LSR and others are web-based. The queries are available for you to access the physical characteristics of the CenturyLink loop facility and are based on data obtained from CenturyLink's underlying network records. CenturyLink utilizes this same underlying data for its retail product offerings.

The following applies to the loop qualification queries:

  • The queries are for informational purposes only and do not restrict or imply that your service will or will not work on a given facility. This determination is your responsibility.
  • Some of the queries offered include CenturyLink's evaluation of the recorded and calculated loop characteristic information.
  • As mentioned, the physical characteristics provided are based on CenturyLink's plant facility database. If you encounter any inaccuracies in the information, contact your CenturyLink Service Manager.
  • The data provided to you at the time you perform a query is refreshed on a periodic basis and could change by the time you submit your service request.

EASE-LSR queries are:

  • Loop Qualification
  • Raw Loop Data (RDL)
Web based query is:
  • Wire Center RLD

The EASE-LSR RLD query provides loop specific information. This query also enables you to obtain the physical characteristics of the facilities. Information regarding the EASE-LSR RLD query is described in the EASE-LSR User's Guide.

The Wire Center RLD query provides wire center specific information. This query provides the physical characteristics of the facilities for an entire wire center. The wire center raw loop data is presented as a comma delimited file and needs to be downloaded into a database or spreadsheet to analyze the individual facilities. Contact your CenturyLink Service Manager to request an ID, which will be required to obtain the digital certificate, required to access this query and for assistance with the digital certification process.

If the end user customer's telephone number is a Port-Within telephone number also known as a Location Ported telephone number, you must use the service address to perform a loop qualification. Information regarding the Loop Qualification query is described in the EASE-LSR User's Guide.

Information about the EASE-LSR based loop qualification query is available in the EASE-LSR User's Guide. The EASE-LSR Loop Qualification and Raw Loop Data-CLEC Job Aid is a web-based training course designed to provide valuable information and instructions on how to use and interpret the EASE-LSR-based loop qualification queries and the raw loop data queries.

Line Splitting with Port Within Telephone Numbers

Port Within or Location Portability allows the end-user to keep the same telephone number when moving to a new location inside the Rate Center. Port Within telephone numbers may result in a Wire Center difference between the telephone number and the end-user's Serving Wire Center (SWC). You will need to know the SWC to determine whether you have a POTS splitter at that location. Because the end-user has moved, CenturyLink encourages you to qualify the new facilities based on the new end-user service address and SWC. Additionally, if porting the number has changed the location of the SWC, you will need to qualify the loop by using the end-user's service address instead of the telephone number.

To determine the SWC, you have two options:

  1. Use EASE-LSR.
  2. Obtain a copy of the end-user's CSR by contacting the appropriate Customer Service Center.

    View the Extended ID Section on the end-user's CSR and look for one of the following Field Identifiers (FIDS):

    • Exchange Key (EXK)
    • Exchange Key (ZEXK)

    The EXK/ZEXK will be a six-digit alphanumeric identification for the physical switch and can be cross-referenced to a Wire Center by using the InterCONNection (ICONN) Database. The information contained in the ZEXK and EXK fids will differ if the end-user is served out of a Border town situation.

    If neither of the FIDs referenced above exists on the end-user's CSR, then the end-user's telephone number Wire Center is also the CenturyLink assigned SWC. The SWC remains the same and you can qualify the loop as you do today.

To qualify the loop:

  1. Use the Loop Qualification query function in EASE-LSR.
  2. If you do not have access to EASE-LSR, you can use the web-based Wire Center RLD Tool with a digital certificate, click on "I Have A Digital Certificate" to gain access to the web-based Wire Center RLD Query. Contact your CenturyLink Service Manager for assistance with getting a certificate.

    The Pre-Order Process Section of the EASE-LSR User's Guide specifically details information applicable to address validation and loop qualifications functions.


General ordering activities are described in the Ordering Overview.

Synchronization Testing (Implementation, Product Prerequisites, supporting documentation) is an option associated with your collocation space and Line Splitting service requests.�For more information refer to Collocation - Synchronization Testing Overview.

Service interval guidelines are found in the SIG.

Line Splitting service request are submitted using the Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG) forms:

  • Local Service Request (LSR)
  • End User (EU)
  • Loop Service (LS)

Field entry requirements are described in the LSOG.

Service request should be placed using EASE-LSR Extensible Markup Language (XML) or EASE-LSR Graphical User Interface (GUI).

To request new Line Splitting simultaneously with the installation of new voice service, you must select one of the following options in EASE-LSR:

  • UNE-P POTS Split (or Split with NP)
  • UNE- P Centrex 21 SPLIT (or SPLIT with NP)
  • UNE-P PBX Designed Trunk Split (or Split with NP)

Line Splitting requests on existing voice services may be requested utilizing the Line Splitting option in EASE-LSR.

Use of Universal Service Order Codes (USOCs) and Field Identifiers (FIDs) are described in the USOCs and FIDs Overview. Use of the USOC/FID Finder will assist you in identifying USOC and FID requirements.

The EASE-LSR User's Guide specifically details the information applicable to service request functions.

Valid NC/NCI™ codes are required on all Line Splitting requests. NC/NCI™ codes are located in Technical Publication, Interconnection-Shared Loop, 77406. NC/NCI™ codes used for Line Splitting are the same as those used for Line Sharing/Shared Loop.

The Basic Installation option is available for Line Splitting. For an existing end-user, the Basic Installation option is the 'lift and lay' procedure. The CenturyLink technician 'lifts' the loop from its current termination and 'lays' it on a new termination connecting to the CLEC. Test results are not provided to the CLEC. Detailed information about this option is located in your Interconnection Agreement.

See the Contact Section of the Ordering Overview for a list of CenturyLink Service Centers and fax telephone numbers. Line Splitting should be requested the same as Line Sharing/Shared Loop.

The limitations when requesting multiple lines for Line Splitting on a single service request are as follows:

  • CenturyLink will accept multiple Line Splitting requests on a single service request if the telephone numbers are associated with the same CSR. When you submit a service request requesting Line Splitting for multiple telephone numbers from the same CSR, the quantity on the LQTY field on the LS of the service request must be equal to the number of lines to which Line Splitting is being added.
  • Quantities equal to or greater than 25 are considered a project. See Projects.

The valid LSR ACT type is a 'C' for Change (existing commercial local services voice account); the valid REQTYP on the LSR is AB.

Valid LNA field types on the LS are:

  • D = Disconnect Line Splitting
  • M = Move termination within CO
  • N = New Line Splitting
  • V = Conversion from DLEC to DLEC

Some of the more common information required on the LSR include:

  • Valid NC and NCI Code
  • Desired Due Date
  • Contact Information

Some of the more common information required on the LS include:

  • End-user telephone number to be shared
  • POTS Splitter location (inside or outside of the cage)
  • POTS Splitter information (If the end-user has a Port Within telephone number, use the SWC Splitter.)

In the Remarks Section of the LSR, provide the ZCID of the DLEC provider.

An Alternate Point of Termination (APOT) form is provided to the DLEC as part of the collocation hand-off process.

The splitter meet points for the Line Splitting are identified on the APOT form. Information contained on the APOT form is required on all Line Splitting requests. The following table provides an example of Common Area Splitter Collocation format used to identify the splitter location.

Character Field Location Field Entry *
Characters 1 through 3 vda
Characters 4 through 10 Floor and Aisle
Characters 11 through 12 Bay
Characters 13 through 14 Shelf
Characters 15 through 18 Unit

* vda.0010121.02.01-001 is an example of the Common Area Splitter Collocation format.

The following table provides an example of format used to identify the splitter location when the splitter is located inside your collocation.

Character Field Location Field Entry *
Characters 1 through 3 vda
Characters 4 through 8 Cable Pair
Characters 9 through 11 Voice Pair

* vda.ALT06.201 is an example of Inside the Collocation Area format.

CenturyLink has recently completed upgrading OSS as they relate to Line Splitting. As part of the upgrade, CenturyLink converted central offices to show the new splitter inventory format reflected in the above tables. The new splitter inventory format requires use of 'vda' in place of the three digit 'ZCID' previously used.

You can request conditioning on the loop. If the loop requires conditioning, CenturyLink will perform the requested conditioning on the loop to remove load coils and excessive bridged taps. CenturyLink will provide removal of load coils and excessive bridged taps on digital capable Line Splitting Loops.

If you request conditioning and the conditioning significantly degrades the voice services on the loop to the point where it is unacceptable to the end-user, charges will be assessed to recondition the loop.

The following applies when loop conditioning is requested on the service request:

Whether or not conditioning is required per the systems:

  • Upon receipt of an accurate and complete service request, you will receive a Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) based on the standard interval found in the SIG. Separate intervals apply based on whether or not conditioning is required.

The following applies when loop conditioning is not requested on the service request:

If conditioning is not required per the systems (qualification passed):

  • Upon receipt of an accurate and complete service request, CenturyLink will perform an initial evaluation to determine if the loop will support Line Splitting. If the initial evaluation reflects that loop conditioning is not required to support Line Splitting, you will receive a FOC based on the standard interval.
  • If at any time, after you receive the FOC and prior to the scheduled due date, CenturyLink determines the qualification was a false positive (when loop qualification is successful but Line Splitting cannot be provisioned on the line without conditioning). CenturyLink will make every attempt to provision the Line Splitting request, including Line Conditioning, within the original scheduled DD without requiring a supplemental service request. In the event that the conditioning work cannot be completed within the original scheduled DD the CLEC will receive a jeopardy and will be required to submit a Sup with a Y in the SCA field authorizing the standard line conditioning interval.

If conditioning is required per the systems (qualification failed):

  • If it is determined by the initial CenturyLink evaluation that the loop cannot support Line Splitting without performing conditioning, and no authorization has been given, the service request will be rejected and you will be required to resubmit the service request authorizing conditioning on the loop.

Standard intervals are described in the SIG.


Quantities equal to or greater than 25 are considered a project. If you relate Purchase Order Numbers (PONs) and associate them to a Project Identification Code in the PROJECT field on the LSR, or if the LQTY field on the LSR has 25 or more loops, the request will be handled as a project by the Center responsible for handling your account. The installation guidelines for the project are negotiated on an Individual Case Basis (ICB) based on the request. The main point of contact for your project will be your CenturyLink Service Manager. When you submit a service request requesting Line Splitting for multiple telephone numbers from the same CSR, the quantity on the LQTY field must be equal to the number of lines to which Line Splitting is being added.

Provisioning and Installation

General provisioning and installation activities are described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

FOC intervals are available in the SIG.

A jeopardy occurs on a service request if a condition exists that threatens timely completion. Jeopardy notification information is described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

For Line Splitting, the Migration activities will not exceed forty five (45) minutes. For more information on migrations and conversion, see the Migrations and Conversions Procedural PCAT.

Provisioning information and design requirements is described in Technical Publication, Interconnection - Shared Loop, 77406. Provisioning for Line Splitting is identical to Line Sharing/Shared Loop.

Loss and Completion Reports are based on loss and gain account activity. Information regarding Completion notification, including Loss and Completion Reports, is described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

As part of the standard provisioning process for Line Splitting, CenturyLink will perform an electrical continuity test on the data side of the POTS splitter.

Maintenance and Repair

Maintenance and repair activities are described in the Maintenance and Repair Overview

CenturyLink will work with the customer of record to resolve trouble impacting voice services provided through Line Splitting, as well as for the physical line between the demarcation point at the end-user premises and the demarcation point in the CenturyLink SWC. You and/or the DLEC are responsible for repairing data services provided using Line Splitting. Providers are responsible for maintaining their own equipment; the party in control of the POTS splitter is responsible for its maintenance.

CenturyLink will perform Synchronization Testing on Line Splitting repair reports upon CLEC request in the CO;s where CenturyLink Commercial Broadband Services service is provided. When the CLEC issues a repair report, the CLEC will need to provide CenturyLink with the appropriate protocol, for additional information see Customer Electronic Maintenance & Repair-Maintenance Ticketing Gateway (CEMR-MTG) On-line Help to test (i.e., DMT-T1.413, DMT-G.LITE, DMT-G.DMT, or CAP), as well as the setting for Rate Limiting and Auto Sync (On or Off). Refer to the (CEMR-MTG) On-line Help Section 10 for information regarding requesting a synchronization test. In CO's where CenturyLink Commercial Broadband Services is not provided, CenturyLink will test for involving Line Splitting in response to trouble tickets initiated by you. If the trouble is not electrical continuity in CenturyLink's network, a Trouble Isolation Charge will be assessed. If the testing equipment has been installed at the SWC, CenturyLink will perform an electrical continuity test on the data side of the splitter upon your request. You may also request that CenturyLink perform additional testing. If the testing uncovers a problem in the portion of the network that CenturyLink is responsible for, you will not be charged for the testing. However, if the additional testing uncovers a problem in the portion of the network you are responsible for, an Additional Testing Charge will be assessed. Rates are specified in your Interconnection Agreement.


Recurring and nonrecurring charges for Line Splitting, OSS, Basic Installation, Interconnection Tie Pair (ITP), Trouble Isolation, and Additional Testing are billed by Ensemble. For questions about your bill, please follow the instructions on the reverse side of your bill.

Nonrecurring charges for Splitter Shelves, Splitter TIE Cable Connections, Engineering, and Reclassification are billed by the Billing and Receivable Tracking (BART). BART billing is described in Billing Information - Billing and Receivable Tracking (BART)

Recurring charges for Splitter Shelves and Splitter TIE Cable Connections will be billed by the Carrier Access Billing System (CABS). CABS billing is described in Billing Information – Carrier Access Billing System (CABS).


View CenturyLink training in the Training Catalog.


General contact information is located in the Wholesale Customer Contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I request Line Splitting before installing our splitters?
No. All Splitter collocation installations must be completed before Line Splitting can be requested.

How do I as the customer of record let CenturyLink know of a possible problem on a Line Splitting Loop?
Initiate a trouble ticket and we will test for electrical continuity. If no continuity is found, there will be Trouble Isolation Charge assessed. You may also request that CenturyLink perform additional testing. If the testing uncovers a problem in the portion of the network that you are responsible for, Additional Testing charges will be assessed. Both Trouble Isolation and Additional Testing charges are specified in your Interconnection Agreement.

Last Update: November 18, 2021

Last Reviewed: March 25, 2024

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