Wholesale: Products & Services

Network Interface Device (NID) V14.0

History Log

NOTE: The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") released Order FCC 20-152 on October 28, 2020, a Report and Order in WC Docket 19-308 for the Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements in an Era of Next-Generation Networks and Services ("Order"), which became effective February 8, 2021, and altered CenturyLink's obligations to provide certain unbundled network elements. As such, these services will no longer be available after the following transition periods, consistent with the terms of the UNE Modernization Forbearance Amendment: 1) DS1- new orders not available after February 8, 2023; 2) DS3- new orders not available as of February 8, 2021; 3) DS0/ADSL/xDSL/ISDN BRI - new orders not available after February 8, 2023; 4) UNE Subloops and NIDs- new orders not available as of February 8, 2021; 5) Dark Fiber Transport- new orders not available as of February 8, 2021; and, 6) OSS- subject to the transition periods applicable to the corresponding UNEs. The wire center lists pertaining to this order can be found at: https://www.centurylink.com/wholesale/clec.html.

Product Description

Network Interface Device (NID) is a physical device that is used for the interconnection of Inside Wire (IW) not owned or controlled by CenturyLink™ to CenturyLink's distribution network. The NID includes any means of interconnection of customer premises wiring to CenturyLink's distribution plant, such as a cross-connect device used for that purpose.

When located at the Minimum Point of Entry (MPOE), the NID contains terminations and a protective ground connection that protects the end-user's IW against lightning and other high voltage surges. These protective ground connections are also referred to as "protection", "protector blocks", or the "protector field". The NID is capable of terminating media such as twisted pair cable. When accessing a NID located beyond the MPOE, you may connect to the customer premises wiring without restriction from CenturyLink. When CenturyLink owns the intra-building cable beyond the MPOE, you may interconnect at the MPOE using the Multi-Tenant Environment-Point of Interconnection (MTE-POI) process and the Sub-Loop Intra Building Cable (IBC) product.

There are three standard configurations for NID deployment:

  • Simple NID - Simple NID's are available as modular or non- modular units. The modular NID is divided into two components, one containing the over-voltage unit (protector) and the other containing the end-user's IW termination with a modular plug which connects the IW to the distribution plant or dial tone source. The non-modular NID is a protector block with the IW terminated directly on the distribution facilities.

  • Smart NID - A Smart NID is a terminating and protecting device that permits you to isolate the CenturyLink Sub-Loop facility from the IW for testing purposes, and may have additional features that not currently used by CenturyLink. If deployed in the CenturyLink network, CenturyLink will make the same features and functions available to you.

  • Multi-Tenant Environment (MTE) NID - The MTE NID is divided into two components: one containing the over-voltage unit (protector) and the other containing the terminations of the IW. The MTE NID may be located externally or internally to the premises served. Requests to move the MTE-NID must be authorized by the building owner or their authorized agent.

There are two kinds of NID offerings:

  • Unbundled NID
    • When you elect to use CenturyLink's NID features to terminate your facilities, you will order the Unbundled NID.
    • An Unbundled NID is a CenturyLink owned NID that you may wish to access for the purpose of terminating your facility. CenturyLink will allow you to use all features and functions of the CenturyLink NID, including any protection mechanisms, test capabilities, and any other capabilities now existing or as they may exist in the future.
    • Pursuant to generally acceptable work practices, and provided IW re-termination is required to meet service requirements of either your or CenturyLink's end-user, you or CenturyLink may remove the inside wire from the NID and connect that wire to your or CenturyLink's NID.
  • Stand-Alone NID
    • This offering is for the purchase and installation of a NID to be owned and maintained by the CLEC. Three configuration types are available. The configuration types are Simple, Smart and MTE. At your request CenturyLink will install a stand alone NID at your designated premises.
    • Once you have issued an order for a Stand-Alone NID, CenturyLink will dispatch to the designated location and install the NID. CenturyLink will bill you a time and material charge to install the NID and following the installation the NID becomes your inventoried property.
    • The Stand-Alone NID allows you to terminate your Loop facilities to premises IW. Additionally, if you elect to deploy your own NID, you may connect your NID to the CenturyLink NID by placing a cross-connect between the two. When you are ready to connect your Stand-Alone NID to the CenturyLink NID and you wish to have CenturyLink perform this connection, you must submit an LSR via IIS.

If a standard Unbundled Network Element (UNE) includes a NID (e.g., and unbundled local loop), when you order the UNE, there is no need to separately identify or order the NID. You will automatically receive access to the NID, and all features and functions, at no additional charge.

Product Diagram


The NID is available where facilities exist throughout CenturyLink QC.

Terms and Conditions

In an MTE, you must first determine who owns and controls the IW. If CenturyLink owns and controls the IW then you will need to establish an MTE-POI and order the appropriate Sub-Loop which will include the NID.

If the building owner or end user customer owns and controls the IW then the following provisions which will include the NID.

You can use the existing CenturyLink NID to terminate your drop or cable if space permits, otherwise a new NID or other technically feasible interconnection point is required. If you install your own NID, you may connect your NID to the CenturyLink NID by placing a cross-connect between the two. When you provision a NID to NID connection, you will isolate the CenturyLink facility in the NID by unplugging the modular unit. If you require a non-modular unit to be replaced with a modular NID, CenturyLink will perform the replacement for the charge described in your Interconnection Agreement. If you are a Facility Based provider providing your own NID, the CenturyLink facility currently in place, including the NID, will remain in place. At no time should you remove the CenturyLink Loop facilities from the CenturyLink NID.

CenturyLink will allow you to connect your Loops directly to the CenturyLink NID field containing the terminations of the IW not owned or controlled by CenturyLink. Where CenturyLink does not own or control the IW, you and the owner of the premises shall determine the procedures for access to the CenturyLink NID.

Pursuant to generally acceptable work practices, and provided IW re-termination is needed to meet service requirements of either your or CenturyLink's end-user, you or CenturyLink may remove the inside wire from the NID and connect that wire to your NID or CenturyLink's NID.

You may enter the subscriber access chamber or end user's side of dual chamber NID enclosures for the purpose of NID to NID connections.

When you access a CenturyLink NID, or if you physically connect your NID (or equivalent) to the CenturyLink NID and make cross-connections necessary to provide service, you should employ generally accepted best engineering practices and comply with industry standards. At MTE NIDs, you will clearly label the cross-connect wires you use to provide service. See CenturyLink's Standard MTE Terminal Access Protocol for detailed information. CenturyLink will label its terminals when a technician is dispatched for work at the MTE NID. CenturyLink will not dispatch a technician for the sole purpose of labeling an MTE NID.

All services connected through a protector field in a CenturyLink NID and located inside a building will interface on an industry standard termination block. It will then extend, via a cross connection, to the premises IW. All services that are connected through a protector field in a CenturyLink NID and that are attached to a building will interface on industry standard lugs or a binding post type of termination. It will then extend, via a cross connection, to the end-user's premises IW.

At your request, CenturyLink will allow you to connect your facility directly to the protector field at a CenturyLink NID that has unused protectors, and that are not used by CenturyLink or any other Telecommunications provider to provide service to the premises. If you access the CenturyLink protector field, you will access the distribution side of the protector field only where spare protector capacity exists. In such cases, you will only access a CenturyLink NID protector field in cable increments appropriate to the NID. If 25 or more metallic cable pairs are simultaneously terminated at the MTE NID, additions must be in increments of 25 metallic pairs. In all cases, telecommunications cables entering a CenturyLink NID must be terminated in compliance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 88-57, section 315 of the National Electric Safety Code and section 800.30 of the National Electric Code. Other types of Protector Field access may be available. Refer to your Interconnection Agreement for further information.

After determination of ownership of intra-building cable, which is obtained by submitting a MTE Point of Termination Form to CenturyLink, you will need to complete and submit the CLEC Access at CenturyLink Protector Field Application to request access at the protector splice or access to the protector field.

Technical Publications

Technical characteristics, including Network Channel/Network Channel Interface (NC/NCI™) codes are described in Technical Publication, Enhanced Extended Loop, 77403.


Rate Structure

Nonrecurring charges are comprised of the following rate elements:

Unbundled NID

  • Installation
  • If you request access through the protector splice, ICB nonrecurring charges will apply to splice you cable to the protector stub
  • Removal of an existing NID and installation of a new NID
  • CenturyLink performs work to connect your NID to the CenturyLink NID
  • Rearrangements to the inside wire terminations or terminal enclosure
  • For the portion of a change out that is specific to your request for additional capacity

Stand Alone NID

  • Installation
  • CenturyLink performs work to connect your NID to the CenturyLink NID

Upon your request, CenturyLink will make rearrangements to the IW terminations or terminal enclosure. Charges will be assessed on a time and labor basis. Rates can be found in tyour Interconnection Agreement.

No charge will be assessed if CenturyLink initiates the rearrangement of such terminations. In all instances, rearrangements shall be performed in a non-discriminatory fashion and in a timeframe that will not perceivable disruption end-users. CenturyLink will not make any rearrangements of wiring that is provided by you and that is properly labeled, or that relocates your test access point without notifying you first.


Wholesale rates for this product or service, including tariff references and any applicable discounts, are provided in your current Interconnection, Resale, Commercial, or other governing agreement.

Tariffs, Regulations and Policy

Tariffs, regulations and policies are located in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.

If you access a NID, as well as a Sub-Loop IBC connected to that NID, you may do so pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in your Interconnection Agreement. If you need access only to a NID (e.g., you do not wish to access a Sub-Loop IBC connected to that NID), you may only do so pursuant to the Terms and Conditions contained herein. CenturyLink shall permit you to connect your own Loop facilities to premises IW through CenturyLink's NID, or at any other technically feasible point.

If you request Unbundled Loops on a reuse basis, the existing drop and CenturyLink's NID, as well as any on premises wiring that CenturyLink owns or controls, will remain in place and continue to carry the signal over the end-user's IW to the end-user's equipment.

CenturyLink retains sole ownership of the CenturyLink NID and its contents on CenturyLink's side. CenturyLink is not required to proactively conduct NID change-outs (e.g., change a simple NID to a smart NID). However, CenturyLink will change the NID at your request and the appropriate charges will apply. CenturyLink will not inventory NID locations on your behalf.

Optional Features

There are no Optional Features for Stand-Alone NID.


Features Benefits
Protector Field Protects your facilities against high-voltage
Loop termination options You can deploy your own NID and connect to the CenturyLink NID by placing a cross-connect between the two

Access to the IW provides you access to the end-user

Terminate to a new NID or other technically feasible interconnection point


See Features/Benefits.


Product Prerequisites

If you are a new CLEC and are ready to do business with CenturyLink, view Getting Started for Facility-Based CLECs. If you are an existing CLEC wishing to amend your Interconnection Agreement or your New Customer Questionnaire, additional information is located in the Interconnection Agreement.

Border town characteristics, including a NPA/NXX matrix are described in the Pre-Ordering Overview.


General pre-ordering activities are described in the Pre-Ordering Overview.

Requirements for pre-ordering are described in Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG) Pre-Order.

CenturyLink strongly recommends use of Pre-Ordering functionality to assist in achieving increased service order flow through and accuracy that will result in reduced service request rejects.

Information about the EASE-LSR address validation is available under Pre-ordering process in the EASE-LSR User's Guide.

Performing an end-user address validation will need to be performed in preparation for issuance of the service request.

Prior to placing a request for access to an MTE, it is necessary for you to determine if the wiring beyond the MPOE.

To determine wiring ownership:

CenturyLink will notify you within ten calendar days as to whether CenturyLink or the MTE owner owns the intra-building cable. In the event that you provide CenturyLink with a written claim by an authorized representative of the MTE owner that CenturyLink owns the facilities on the customer side of the terminal, the preceding ten-day period shall be reduced to five calendar days from CenturyLink receipt of claim. In the event that there has been a previous determination of on-premises wiring ownership at the same MTE, CenturyLink shall provide such notification within two business days. If the MTE owner owns the cable facilities on the end-user side of the terminal, CenturyLink will notify you that you need to negotiate access to all facilities in the building with the building owner.

If the wiring beyond the MPOE is owned by CenturyLink, the facility, including the NID is considered a Sub-Loop IBC. If you need to access a NID as well as a Sub-Loop IBC connected to that NID, you may do so only pursuant to the terms and conditions defined in the Sub-Loop product.


General ordering activities are described in the Ordering Overview.

To request access to the protector field at the MTE, complete and submit the CLEC Access at CenturyLink Protector Field Application

  • Complete the CLEC Access at CenturyLink Protector Field Application .

Electronically mail a message to ospteam@centurylink.com and attach the completed form.

Stand Alone or Non Multi-Tenant NID service requests are submitted using the following LSOG forms:

  • Local Service Request (LSR)
  • End User (EU)
  • Loop Service (LS)

To access the protector field of the NID, you must submit a service request. When you need to connect to a cross-connect field other than to the end-user field of the NID, you need to submit a service request. for connection to the NID. You need to provide the remark of 'NID required' in the Remarks section of the LSR. Field entry requirements are described in the LSOG.

When you order Unbundled Local Loop or Sub-Loop, you will receive all features, functions and capabilities of the NID. You do not need to order the NID separately from these products.

Upon receipt of a service request requesting access to an MTE terminal, CenturyLink shall notify you if the requested terminal is a Demarcation Point. If the terminal is a Demarcation Point and you wish to access the protector side of the NID, charges will apply for the capacity you utilize. If you wish to access the end-user fields of the NID, no additional verification is needed by CenturyLink and no charges apply. After you have run the jumper wire, you will need to tag the jumper wire.

If the connection is not technically feasible, CenturyLink shall inform you of the basis for our claim of technical unfeasibility and identify all alternative points of connection that CenturyLink would support. You have the option of employing an alternative terminal or disputing the claim of technical unfeasibility pursuant to the dispute resolution provisions of your Interconnection Agreement.

Provisioning and Installation

General provisioning and installation activities are described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

Operational characteristics and available Interfaces are specified in Technical Publication, Interconnection - Unbundled Loop, 77384 and Design requirements are specified in Technical Publication, Unbundled Network Combinations Including Enhanced Extend Loop (EEL) and Loop Mux Combinations (LMS), 77403.

A jeopardy occurs on a Local Service Request (LSR) if a condition exists that threatens timely completion. Jeopardy notification information is described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

Maintenance and Repair

General maintenance and repair activities are described in the Maintenance and Repair Overview.

You are responsible for isolating the trouble to the correct unbundled element or collocated equipment. If CenturyLink is dispatched to an end user's location on a maintenance issue and finds the NID to be defective, CenturyLink will replace the defective element or, if beyond repair, the entire device at no cost to you. If the facilities and lines have been removed from the protector field or damaged by you, then you will be responsible for all costs associated with returning the facilities and lines back to their original state. Charges for this work will be on a time and materials basis and billed directly to you as outlined in the Billing section contained herein.

Billing disputes will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution process contained in your Interconnection Agreement.

If the NID is owned by you and used exclusively for your services to the end user, you are responsible for maintaining the NID and all of its components including replacement if damaged.

CenturyLink will provide you with test results when testing and repairing your reported trouble. CenturyLink employees will not provide any service or conduct any work (repair or installation) beyond the NID. If the NID is owned by CenturyLink and capacity is shared with you, CenturyLink will be responsible for maintaining the NID. If damage is caused by you, CenturyLink will repair and bill applicable time nonrecurring and labor charges. This labor charge is billed in 1/2 hour increments. Rates can be found in your Interconnection Agreement.


Ensemble is the new billing system for customers. For questions about the bill, please follow the instructions on the reverse side of each billing statement.

The Ensemble bill is described in Billing Information – Ensemble.

Billing and Receivable Tracking:
Bart billing is described in Billing Accounts Receivable Tracking (BART).


Local CenturyLink 101 "Doing Business With CenturyLink"

  • This introductory web-based training course is designed to teach the Local CLEC and Local Reseller how to do business with CenturyLink. It will provide a general overview of products and services, CenturyLink billing and support systems, processes for submitting service requests, reports, and web resource access information. Click here to learn more about this Training.

Unbundled Loop (UBL)

  • This instructor-led process and systems training course is designed to introduce and teach the Unbundled Loop (UBL) products, instructing CLECs on how to request service for Unbundled Loops. This course will provide an overview of the current UBL products, and address the PreOrder, Order, Post-Order, Provisioning, Billing and CEMR-MTG Maintenance and Repair. Click here to learn more about this Training.

View additional CenturyLink courses in the Training Catalog.


CenturyLink contact Information is located in the CLEC & Reseller Center Contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This section is being compiled based on your feedback

Last Update: November 18, 2021

Last Reviewed: March 20, 2024