Wholesale: Products & Services

Directory Assistance (DA) Service - V33.0

History Log

Product Description

CenturyLink™ offers you several Directory Assistance (DA) products that assist your end-users with obtaining local, intraLATA (Local Access and Transport Area), and national published and non-listed listing information.

The listing information is comprised of the name, telephone number and/or address and ZIP code. CenturyLink offers searches by name, telephone number (reverse DA) and business type within a given locality.

Business type search will be available in all states.

DA provides this information to your end-users on your behalf when the end-user dials 411, 1-411, 1-Numbering Plan Area (NPA)-555-1212, or as determined by your selected dialing pattern. CenturyLink will accept a maximum of two listing requests per call to Local or National Directory Assistance (NDA) from your end-user.

CenturyLink provides access to DA service via dedicated Operator Service (OS) trunks.

DA services include:

  • Local DA service
  • NDA service

Local DA Service

Local DA service is a voice information service provided by CenturyLink that allows your end-users to receive published and non-listed listing information within the caller's NPA or LATA geographic area, whichever is greater, in CenturyLink QC. This service is available with CenturyLink Branding, Generic Call Branding, Customized Call Branding and DA Call Completion (DACC), also referred to as Complete-A-Call.

CenturyLink's Local DA databases only contain published and non-listed telephone numbers obtained by:

  • CenturyLink (from our own end-users)
  • You (Providers)
  • Other Telecommunications Carriers

NDA Service

NDA allows your end-users to receive listings outside of CenturyLink QC.  Please note:  NDA is coupled with Local DA Service only.


DA service is available throughout CenturyLink QC local service territory.

Terms and Conditions

CenturyLink will perform DA services in accordance with operating methods, practices and standards in effect for all end-users. CenturyLink will respond to your end-user calls to CenturyLink DA services using the same call handling priority used to respond to CenturyLink end-user calls. Calls to CenturyLink DA services are handled on a first come, first serve basis.

Resale and Commercial, Finished Service, Local Exchange Services Products, e.g. CenturyLink™ Local Service Platform (CLSP™)

With these services you will automatically receive CenturyLink Local DA and NDA service.

Facility-Based CLECs with their own Switch

Facility-Based CLECs with their own switch must subscribe to CenturyLink Local DA service to subscribe to NDA service. 

Facility-Based CLECs with their own switch must deliver their DA traffic on SS7 trunks to CenturyLink’s switch over their own or leased trunks and transport facilities. 

DA Service for Special Needs End-Users

CenturyLink considers the relationship between you and your end-users a private and confidential matter. CenturyLink will provide DA service to you per your Agreement and will charge you for that service.


Rate Structure

DA Call Usage

Billable DA calls appear monthly based on usage.

DACC Local and IntraLATA Usage

DACC charges may apply for calls completed locally and within a LATA on a monthly basis.

IntraLATA DACC calls are completed on the CenturyLink network. QC intraLATA toll charges will apply.


No charges apply for customized call branding.


Wholesale rates for this product or service, including tariff references and any applicable discounts, are provided in your current Interconnection, Resale, Commercial, or other governing agreement.

Tariffs, Regulations and Policy

Click here for state specific Tariff/Catalogs/Price List information.

Optional Features

DA Call Branding

“Call Branding” means announcing CenturyLink’s name, a generic name, or a customized name on the front end and/or back end of the Directory Assistance calls.  You have the option of choosing what type of branding announcement you wish to have recorded and played at the beginning and/or end of your end-user’s calls to CenturyLink DA.

Front End Call Branding options announce CenturyLink’s name, a Generic Call Branding, or a Customized Call Branding at the beginning of the call.

Back End Call Branding options announce CenturyLink’s name, a Generic Call Branding, or a Customized Call Branding at the conclusion at the conclusion of the call. 

Five types of DA Call Branding are available where technically feasible.  Calls may be branded with CenturyLink’s Name, Generic Call Branding, or Customized Call Branding as follows:

  • CenturyLink Name Branding – announces CenturyLink’s name
  • Generic Call Branding – announces no name (e.g., Directory Assistance at front end
  • Generic Call Branding – announces no name (e.g., ‘Local and National Directory Assistance’, which is only available on front end
  • Generic Call Branding  - announces ‘Your Local Telephone Company’ which is only available on the back end
  • Customized Call Branding – announces your name (e.g., ABC Telephone Company – Directory Assistance (front end) and Thank you for using ABC Telephone Company (back end))

DACC Service

DACC service allows your end-users to connect to the requested local or intraLATA telephone number directly, using the QC intraLATA toll network, without having to dial another number. This is only offered with local and intraLATA telephone numbers and not with NDA numbers.

Reverse DA Service

Reverse DA service allows your end-users to obtain the name and address related to a listed telephone number. Depending upon the type of telephone number listing, your end-users may not be able to obtain the name and address due to restrictions, e.g., toll-free, non-publish, some cell/mobile listings, pagers, coin phones, second lines, etc. For non-listed telephone numbers, the address is restricted and only the name will be provided.

DA Search by Business Type

DA search by business type allows your end-users to obtain the name of a business(s) within a given locality by requesting a specific business type/category/classification, e.g., your end-user may access DA and request the name of a Dry Cleaner in the Denver area. Listings for the type of business requested will be randomly selected within the locality requested.


Features Benefits
End-user support 24 hours a day, 365 days per year Ensures reliable service and support
Operators/Agents that are dedicated and highly skilled to serve as customer advocates Provides end-users with professional, courteous, and accurate information and services
90% of all DA calls will be answered within 10 seconds Provides a fast, but personal response to end-users inquiries
Front and Back End branding Reinforces your relationship with your end-user
Leading edge Systems and Technology Network connections that ensure survivability and uninterrupted traffic flow

Product Prerequisites

Review the following matrix for the DA prerequisites:

If you are a: And are new Or are existing And want to View Then complete and submit
Reseller X   Do business with CenturyLink Getting Started as a Reseller The Customer Questionnaire for Resale. If you want branding or to indicate your special needs customers, also complete the Directory Assistance section of the Customer Questionnaire for Resale.
Reseller   X Change your branding options or make changes for your special needs customers   The Directory Assistance section of the Customer Questionnaire for Resale
Commercial local exchange services CLEC without their own Switch X   Do business with CenturyLink Getting Started as a Facility-Based CLEC.

The Master Services Agreement for CenturyLink™ Local Services Platform (CLSP™) products.
The Customer Questionnaire for Facility-Based CLECs.

If you want branding or to indicate your special needs customers, also complete the Directory Assistance section of the Customer Questionnaire for Facility-Based CLECs.
Commercial local exchange services CLEC without their own Switch   X Change your branding options or make changes for your special needs customers   The Directory Assistance section of the Customer Questionnaire for Facility-Based CLECs
Facility-based CLEC with their own Switch X   Do business with CenturyLink Getting Started as a Facility-Based CLEC. The Customer Questionnaire for Facility-Based CLECs

If you wish to subscribe to CenturyLink's DA you must complete the appropriate sections of the Operator Services/Directory assistance portion of the Customer Questionnaire
Facility-based CLEC with their own Switch   X CenturyLink DA service for the first time or need to make changes to your current DA service   The appropriate sections of the Operator Services/Directory assistance portion of the Customer Questionnaire

If you have questions regarding completion of the questionnaire(s), contact your CenturyLink Service Manager. You also need to negotiate an Interconnection Agreement with CenturyLink for each state in which you wish to do business. Your CenturyLink Wholesale Account Directory can provide you more information regarding these agreements.


Before ordering DA service from CenturyLink, you should do the following:

Resale and Commercial, Finished Service, Local Exchange Services Products, e.g. CLSP without their own Switch: Pre-Ordering and Ordering activities are not necessary as these end-users automatically have access to both DA and NDA service.

Facility-Based CLECs with their own Switch:

CLEC must provide Operator Services (OS) trunk group that delivers Automatic Number Identification (ANI) to the CenturyLink DA facilities in each LATA.  The purpose of this dedicated trunk is to deliver your DA traffic to CenturyLink and have the ability to setup a brand message.

In addition, you must have a state specific OCN (Operating Company Number) in order to associate you with your dedicated trunk group. Refer to Local Interconnect Service (LIS) for additional information.


Facility-Based CLECs with their own Switch - only:

Once the Product Prerequisites and Pre-Ordering tasks have been completed, the CenturyLink Service Manager will work with you to begin the Implementation process.

Additions, Deletions, or Changes to Existing Services

Resale and Commercial, Finished Service, Local Exchange Services Products, e.g. CenturyLink™ Local Service Platform (CLSP™) without their own Switch:

  • If you are an existing Reseller and want to change your branding options or make changes for your special needs customers, you need to only complete the Directory Assistance section of the Customer Questionnaire for Resale and submit it.

  • If you are an existing CLEC or CLSP and want to change your branding options or make changes for your special needs customers, you need to only complete the Directory Assistance section of the Customer Questionnaire for Facility-Based CLECs or CLSP providers and submit it.

Facility-Based CLECs with their own Switch

If you are an existing Facility-Based CLEC and want to add new services, delete or change existing services, you must complete the appropriate sections of the Operator Services/Directory Assistance portion of the Customer Questionnaire

Complete Discontinuance of DA for Facility-Based CLECs with their own Switch

If you are a Facility-Based CLEC with their own Switch and choose to completely discontinue your DA with CenturyLink, you must complete appropriate sections of the Operator Services/Directory Assistance portion of the Customer Questionnaire.

Provisioning and Installation

Resale and Commercial Local Exchange Services CLECs without their own Switch:

When your end-user accesses CenturyLink’s DA, the calls will be transported to CenturyLink’s DA/OS switch via shared use of CenturyLink operator trunks.  Your calls will be branded with the same brand message as calls made by CenturyLink retail end-users unless you make arrangements for generic call branding or customized call branding.

Your Operating Company Number (OCN), Service Provider Identification (SPID) or Origination Line Number Screening (OLNS) may be provided to access CenturyLink's DA via CenturyLink's shared trunks. You will need to provide CenturyLink with your authorized and nationally recognized OCN from Telcordia's™ Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG). You should use the same OCN/SPID in all of CenturyLink’s14-states. CenturyLink will program its DA platform and related databases to recognize your OCN/SPID for purposes of playing your call brand announcement on your end-user’s calls to CenturyLink’s DA.

DACC will automatically be provided, where available unless you have chosen to block it for all of your end users via your Customer Questionnaire. If you have opted to have DACC automatically provided and wish to block DACC on an individual end user line by line basis, you must enter appropriate values in the Blocking Activity (BA) field and the BLOCK field of the Resale Services (RS) Form of your Local Service Request (LSR). For additional information regarding blocking DACC, refer to Complete-A-Call. Refer to the Resale Services (RS) LSOG 6 Form Preparation Guide for additional information regarding the RS Form.

Facility-Based CLECs with their own Switch

If you use your own switch and provide or lease transport facilities to deliver your end-user's DA calls to CenturyLink's DA/OS switch, your calls can be branded with CenturyLink's brand, generic call branding or customized call branding. The default call branding message will vary depending upon the state in which your end-user has service. Branding details are outlined above and also will be addressed during implementation.

Facility-Based CLECs with their own switch that want DACC must indicate this within the appropriate OS/DA sections of the Customer Questionnaire. You will need to provide your individual state OCN for each state in which you do business with CenturyLink as a Facility-Based Provider on the Customer Questionnaire.

Customized and Generic Branding Testing

CenturyLink will perform acceptance testing on customized and generic Call Branding with you, at no additional charge, to insure the branding is operational.

CenturyLink will, at your request, schedule a mutually agreeable time to perform acceptance testing in cooperation with you. If you are unable to participate in the acceptance testing or if you request that branding installation be completed without your presence, the service will be considered accepted (i.e., blind acceptance) by you.

CenturyLink branding implementation personnel will conduct preliminary testing. Testing includes the following steps:

  1. The CenturyLink Service Manager will inform you that the Customized or Generic Call Branding has been loaded and an acceptance test may be scheduled with you and the CenturyLink Service Manager.
  2. The CenturyLink Service Manager will contact the CenturyLink Branding Implementation Manager with the agreed upon date of the test. The CenturyLink Branding Implementation Manager will notify CenturyLink branding technical personnel.
  3. You, the CenturyLink Branding Implementation Manager, and branding technical personnel will place test DA calls. You may make up to two calls per test situation.
  4. If the front end and back end call branding meets your satisfaction, the test is completed.
  5. If you reject the test, the CenturyLink Branding Implementation Manager and branding technical personnel will take action to correct the situation.
  6. If you reject the test results, CenturyLink Branding Implementation Manager and branding technical personnel will identify the problem. The Branding Implementation Manager will notify the CenturyLink Service Manager within two business days of the expected date of resolution.
  7. The CenturyLink Branding Implementation Manager will inform the CenturyLink Service Manager when the problem has been resolved.
  8. The CenturyLink Service Manager will advise you that the problem has been resolved and set up a time for acceptance testing.
  9. The CenturyLink Service Manager will advise the CenturyLink Branding Implementation Manager of the acceptance test schedule. The CenturyLink Branding Implementation Manger will notify CenturyLink branding technical personnel.
  10. Repeat steps beginning with Step 3 above.

Trunk provisioning and facility ownership must follow CenturyLink guidelines and will be addressed during implementation.

Maintenance and Repair

If you encounter problems with the service, contact your CenturyLink Service Manager.


Resale and Commercial Local Exchange Services CLECs without their own Switch

These accounts are billed monthly for the number of calls placed to CenturyLink DA, including DACC and intraLATA toll, if applicable, by your end-users, from Ensemble.

Ensemble is the new billing system for customers. For questions about the bill, please follow the instructions on the reverse side of each billing statement.

The Ensemble bill is described in Billing Information – Ensemble.

Facility-Based CLECs with their own Switch

Facility-Based CLECs with their own Switch are billed monthly for the number of calls placed to CenturyLink DA, including DACC if applicable, by your end-users on a separate invoice from the Local Exchange Carrier Information System (LEXCIS).

LEXCIS billing is described in Billing Information - Local Exchange Carrier Information System (LEXCIS).


Local CenturyLink 101 "Doing Business With CenturyLink"

  • This introductory web-based training course is designed to teach the Local CLEC and Local Reseller how to do business with CenturyLink. It will provide a general overview of products and services, CenturyLink billing and support systems, processes for submitting service requests, reports, and web resource access information. Click here to learn more about this Training.

View additional CenturyLink courses in the Training Catalog.


CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Which OCN will I use for Resale to get the correct branding?
You need to use the National Resale OCN as provided by National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA)

2. I don't have a National OCN so how do I obtain one?
Go to: https://www.neca.org/.

3. What do I do if I don't want DACC offered to all of my end-users?

Resale and Commercial Local Exchange Services CLECs without their own Switch

You should indicate “No DACC” on your Customer Questionnaire

Facility-Based CLEC with their own Switch

You should indicate "No DACC" on your Customer Questionnaire

4.  What do I do if I selected to have DACC but want to block individual end user lines?

You must enter appropriate values in the Blocking Activity (BA) field and the BLOCK field of the Resale Services (RS) Form of your Local Service Request (LSR).  For additional information regarding blocking DACC, refer to Complete-A-Call. Refer to the Resale Services (RS) Form Preparation Guide for additional information regarding the RS Form.

5.  How do I allow individual to have DACC when I’ve chosen No DACC on my Customer Questionnaire?

This option is not available when you’ve opted to have No DACC on your Customer Questionnaire.  If you have individuals that require DACC (i.e., special needs customers), you must allow for all end users to have DACC on the Customer Questionnaire and then block individual end user lines.

Last Update: December 11, 2017

Last Reviewed: March 11, 2024

Telcordia™ is a trademark of iconectiv®
LERG™ is a trademark of iconectiv®
CenturyLink™ Local Services Platform (CLSP™) is a Trademark of CenturyLink™