Wholesale: Products & Services

Geographic Deaveraging - General Information - V31.0

History Log


Geographic Deaveraging is a method of determining the rate structure based on geographic regions. Deaveraged rates are determined by the distance from the central office to the end-users location or rate zone by wire center. The method of deaveraging and applicable products are determined by each state commission and may vary by state.

Geographic Deaveraging applies to the following products:


Geographic Deaveraging is applicable throughout CenturyLink QC.



Wholesale rates for this product or service, including tariff references and any applicable discounts, are provided in your current Interconnection, Resale, Commercial, or other governing agreement.

Upon request, CenturyLink will send revised rate sheets to identify applicable zones, and associated rates. Contact your CenturyLink Service Manager to place a request.

To request a copy of the zones for the state(s) in which you are operating, contact the state utility commissions.

Tariffs, Regulations and Policies

Tariffs, regulations and policies are located in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.


In the following states, Geographic Deaveraged rates are determined by the distance from the Central Office to the end-user's location:

  • Montana
  • Wyoming

You can determine the Geographic Deaveraged rate for the states using distance from the central office to the end-user location by using Address Validation in the EASE Pre-order in the Enhanced Automated Service Order Entry (EASE) EASE User Guide. The Geographic Deaveraged rate for the address is located in the Rate Zone field (RTZ).

Address Validation returns either a two or four character rate zone. When four characters are returned, the last two characters are always alpha numeric. If only two characters are returned, the address is considered to be in the base rate area for those states that have a base rate zone pricing or Zone 1 for those states that start their deaveraged zone pricing with Zone 1. The last two characters are the zone the address is in and the rate is deaveraged.


RTZ 01U2: the U2 indicates the rate is deaveraged for zone 2.

RTZ 02: indicates the address is in the base rate area, no deaveraged zone rate applies.

In the following states, Geographic Deaveraged rates are determined by the wire center:

  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Minnesota
  • North Dakota
  • Nebraska – See additional information below concerning Commission Order
  • New Mexico
  • Oregon
  • South Dakota
  • Utah
  • Washington

Nebraska In Town or Out of Town Designation

Effective September 19, 2011, the Nebraska Commission has ordered changes to the current three de-averaged rate zones for DS0 Unbundled Loops and CLSP services. These changes require that each rate zone be further defined as "In Town" or "Out of Town" with rates being applied accordingly.

This "In Town" or "Out of Town" classification will be determined by the tax classification of the end user's location (city vs. unincorporated taxing jurisdiction). You can determine the classification prior to ordering these services by using Address Validation in EASE Check the SWITCH_INFO_GRP to find the IN_TOWN_OR_OUT_OF_TOWN field and data.

If you disagree with the designation of your end-user's location, you should submit a billing dispute per guidelines in the Billing Information - Dispute Process.

For additional information on Geographic Deaveraging rate zones by wire center and to obtain the Common Language Location Codes (CLLI™) refer to MSA & Geographic Zone Data

If necessary, you can determine the CLLI by using the InterCONNection (ICONN) Database and entering the Numbering Plan Area (NPA) and Numeric Numbering Plan (NXX) using the Central Office Find option. The database will return the CLLI associated with the applicable wire center.


General pre-ordering activities are described in the Pre-Ordering Overview.

Requirements for pre-ordering are described in Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG) Pre-Order.


Refer to your individual product guidelines.


The system used to format your bill depends on the type of products purchased.

Ensemble is the new billing system for customers. For questions about the bill, please follow the instructions on the reverse side of each billing statement.

The Ensemble bill is described in Billing Information – Ensemble.

Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) billing is described in Billing Information – Carrier Access Billing System (CABS).


Local CenturyLink 101 "Doing Business with CenturyLink"

  • This introductory web-based training course is designed to teach the Local CLEC and Local Reseller how to do business with CenturyLink. It will provide a general overview of products and services, CenturyLink billing and support systems, processes for submitting service requests, reports, and web resource access information. Click here to learn more about this Training.

View additional CenturyLink courses by clicking on Training Courses.


CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.

Last Update: November 29, 2023

Last Reviewed: March 20, 2024

CLLI™ is a trademark of iconectiv®.
CenturyLink Local Services Platform™ (CLSP™) is a Trademark of CenturyLink™