Wholesale: Products & Services

Product Catalog (PCAT)

Commercial Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) - Centrex Prime - V1.0

History Log

Product Description

Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) provides local exchange telecommunications services to end-users on behalf of Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs). General information about WLV can be found in the Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) – General Information PCAT.

Centrex Prime is a switched business communications service furnishing connections between a central office-based switching system and the network interface which serves end-user terminals. It is a multi-media platform which delivers integrated voice, video, image, and data services over the network.

Centrex Prime includes analog (basic) or digital (Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)) station lines that may be provided utilizing various technological designs. It provides enhanced features and functionality and is considered the latest in the evolution of the Centrex product family. A group of station lines are translated for an individual end-user group and are provided with common access to a predetermined group of features. It may be better suited for services with 50 lines or more. The standard set of features provided varies depending on whether the station lines are analog or digitial and on the available central office technology.

Standard Packages, Rate Stability Plans and Optional Features may vary from state to state. For all packages, plans and features, view Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.


WLV products are available where facilities exist throughout CenturyLink QC.

Terms and Conditions

Centrex Prime services may vary from state to state. For all packages, plans and features, view the Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.

CenturyLink will accept one white page directory listing for each main telephone number at no charge. Additional information about directory listings is available in White Pages Directory Listings.

Additional terms and conditions, rates and charges can be found for each state in the Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.

Technical Publications

Technical characteristics are contained in the applicable Tariff and may have references to certain Technical Publications.


Rate Structure

Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs) for WLV are the sum of the monthly recurring rates of the service offerings ordered by the CLEC from their WLV Commercial Rates Sheets, Interconnection Rate Sheets, and appropriate tariffs.

Non-recurring Charges (NRCs) for WLV Installation, Disconnection (in some states), Conversion, and Feature activity are provided in the WLV Commercial Rate Sheets, Interconnection Rate Sheets, and appropriate tariffs.


Depending on WLV Services ordered MRCs and NRCs are available in the:

  • Rate Sheet of your Commercial Agreement
  • Rate Sheet or Exhibit A of your applicable ICA.
  • Applicable Tariff for features and services.

Nebraska WLV circuits only:

Effective September 19, 2011, you must place either the USOC XCBO2 (2-wire) or XCBO4 (4-wire) on your WLV LSR if your End-User is in an "Out of Town" location. Additional information on determining this classification is in Geographic Deaveraging - General Information.

Tariffs, Regulations and Policies

Tariffs, regulations and policies are located in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.


Product Prerequisites

If you are a new CLEC and are ready to do business with CenturyLink, view Getting Started as a Facility-Based CLEC and Interconnection Agreement, and Commercial Agreements.


General pre-ordering activities are described in the Pre-Ordering Overview.

Requirements for pre-ordering are described in Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG) Pre-Order.

To request new WLV Centrex Prime service, contact your CenturyLink Regulatory Support Manager for assistance with identifying functionality requirements and to request a common block built in the switch where you want to provide service. Before ordering any optional, standard, or system features, you must verify if the feature is built into the common block. Features that are not built into the common block may be requested through your CenturyLink Regulatory Support Manager.

Notify your CenturyLink Regulatory Support Manager if you would like to convert your resale or retail Centrex to WLV Centrex prior to submitting your request.


It is important to review and understand the ordering procedures described in the Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) – General Information PCAT.

General ordering activities are described in the Ordering Overview.

Disclosure Information and other Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG) are available in Network Disclosures.

Intervals for conversions from retail or resale Centrex to WLV Centrex of 50 or more stations will be handled on an Individual Case Basis (ICB). Once a due date is assigned CenturyLink will establish a moratorium on other account activity during the conversion.

Requests for WLV Centrex are placed using the EASE-LSR Extensible Markup Language (XML) or EASE-LSR Graphical User Interface (GUI). Detailed information regarding field entry requirements are described in the LSOG.

The following LSOG forms may be required:

  • LSR
  • End User (EU)
  • Centrex Resale Service (CRS)
  • Directory Listing (DL)

When requesting a full conversion to WLV Centrex service from other existing, e.g. Resale, Centrex service, using the LSR ACT Type = V, all listings on the current account must be addressed using applicable LACT values or the listing will be rejected. If there are no change(s) to the listing(s), the listing(s) should have the LACT value of Z. If the LSR ACT Type = V, and a LACT value of Z is present on the DL form, the TN will be used for validation purposes, but all other information on the DL form will be ignored. The listing will remain exactly as it exists on CenturyLink's Customer Service Record. If any change(s) are made to a listing(s), then LACT O, I, or D values should be entered. LSRs with 'LACT = N - New Listing' selected when changes are being made to existing listings will be manually rejected by CenturyLink. Only new listings may be added with LACT = N during conversion activity. Existing listings may be deleted during conversion activity with LACT = D - Delete Listing.

In addition, if any change(s) are made to any existing listing(s) using LSR ACT = C, T or R, then LACT = O, I or D values should be entered.

When converting an existing account with CenturyLink Broadband to WLV Centrex, follow the requirements in the Ordering section of CenturyLink Commercial Broadband Service.

WLV Centrex end-users share a common block within the CO. As a result, all end-users share the functionality of the common block. The common block name must be provided in the Common Block (CB) field on the CRS. Work with your Regulatory Support Manager to request them to get the appropriate Common Block name and number from network translations.

A Line Class Code (LCC) identifies the originating and terminating calling restrictions or combinations of calling restrictions for a line and is stored in the common block memory of the program controlled switch. The LCC must be entered in the FEATURE DETAIL field on the CRS form.

To verify whether or not to use the BLOCK field or assign a specific LCC on the CRS form, see the Blocking Job Aid.

For additional information on Centrex LCCs, refer to the Centrex Line Class Code (LCC) Job Aid. The tables in this job aid are provided for informational purposes only and are a sampling of the most commonly used LCCs for each of the Centrex products. The appearance of an LCC in one of the tables does not mean that it is available to be assigned to your Centrex accounts. If you have any questions regarding the availability of a particular LCC, please contact your Regulatory Support Manager.

A Customer Access Treatment (CAT) Field Identifier (FID) is assigned for each station line in a common block and allows a station line to access system features using dial access codes. The CAT FID must be entered in the Line Treatment Code (LTC) field for each station line on the CRS.

In all switch types other than the DMS-100, there is only one CAT FID assigned to the switch at the account level. The CAT works in conjunction with the individual LCC for the type of calling restriction requested.

In the DMS-100, different CAT FIDs can be assigned at the line level rather than at the account level. The calling restriction type is derived from the combination of the CAT and LCC. The CAT FID identifies the calling restrictions for outgoing calls and the LCC identifies the incoming calling restrictions.

DMS-100 CAT FIDs and corresponding LCC:

CAT FIDDescription of CAT*Corresponding LCC
0Non-restricted: No restrictions are placed on the line, the end-user can make and receive all calls.NCN
2Long distance restricted: The end-user can place outgoing local calls, including DA 411, they cannot dial any 1+ or 0+ calls and can receive all incoming calls.NCT
4Non-restricted (Block 900/976): The end-user can make all local and long distance calls with the exception of 900/976 calls and can receive all incoming calls.NC9
6Restrict DA (411 & 1+555): The end-user can make all local and long distance calls with the exception of DA 411 and 1+555. They can receive all incoming calls.C3R
7Toll restricted Deny DA: the end-user can place outgoing local calls, they cannot dial any 1+ or 0+ calls, or calls to DA 411 or 1+555. They can receive all incoming calls.NCB
8Restrict DA (411 & 1+555) and (Block 900/976): The end-user can make all local calls with the exception of DA 411. They can make all long distance calls except 1+555 and 900/976 and can receive all incoming calls.D3R
* If the calling restrictions you are interested in are not shown above, contact your CenturyLink Regulatory Support Manager for assistance.

5ESS, DMS-10 and Ericsson CAT FIDs

Switch TypeCAT FID

Conversions from resale or retail Centrex to WLV Centrex are submitted according to the LSOG for a Conversion As Specified request. There are two conversion options:

  • A single local service request converting an entire common block without a line, feature or PIC/LPIC change. Line, feature and PIC/LPIC changes can be made on subsequent local service requests.
  • Individual per end-user, per location conversions requiring multiple local service requests. You must specify on each local service request whether you want to retain, change or remove each line and feature along with any PIC/LPIC changes.

You must request removal of features not available with WLV products prior to conversion activity.

You are required to enter project identification in the PROJECT field on the LSR form for all conversions from resale or retail Centrex to WLV Centrex.

More information about selecting a long distance carrier can be found in the Long Distance Carrier Selection Overview.

Provisioning and Installation

General provisioning and installation activities are described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

Maintenance and Repair

General maintenance and repair activities are described in the Maintenance and Repair Overview.


Ensemble is the new billing system for customers. For questions about the bill, please follow the instructions on the reverse side of each billing statement.

The Ensemble bill is described in Billing Information – Ensemble.


View CenturyLink courses by clicking on Training Catalog.


CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.

Last Update: October 29, 2020

Last Reviewed: February 27, 2024