Wholesale: Products & Services

Product Catalog (PCAT)

Commercial Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) - General Information - V1.0

History Log

Product Description

Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) products provide local exchange telecommunications services to end-users on behalf of Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs). Functionally equivalent to comparable CenturyLink retail products, WLV are finished services that require neither CLEC collocation nor other network involvement and are combinations of the following network elements:

  • An Unbundled Local Loop facility or transmission path between the Distribution Frame or equivalent in the CenturyLink Central Office (CO) and the Demarcation Point at the end-user premises;
  • A Local Switching Network Element Line Side or Trunk Side facility (switch port) including without limitation the basic switching function, plus the features, functions, and all vertical features that are loaded in CenturyLink's End Office Switch; and,
  • The Shared Transport Network Element: The collective interoffice local transmission facilities between End Office Switches, between End Office Switches and Tandem Switches, and between Tandem Switches. CLEC traffic will be carried on the same facilities that CenturyLink uses for its own traffic.

Unbundled Local Loop - 2-Wire or 4-Wire Analog (Voice Grade) Loop is a voice frequency transmission path that provides a connection from the CenturyLink™ Central Office (CO) Distribution Frame, or equivalent, to the loop demarcation point at end-user’s premises. Analog loops are available as voice grade, point-to-point configurations suitable for local exchange service. 2-Wire or 4-Wire Analog (Voice Grade) Loop is available where facilities exist.

2-Wire or 4-Wire Analog (Voice Grade) Loops are further defined as:

  • 2-Wire analog interfaces supporting loop start signaling
  • 2-Wire analog interfaces supporting ground-start signaling
  • 2-Wire analog interfaces supporting reverse battery with loop closure by end-user
  • 2-Wire analog interfaces supporting reverse battery by end-user
  • 2-Wire analog interfaces with no signaling functions provided by CenturyLink
  • 4-Wire analog interfaces with no signaling functions provided by CenturyLink. The associated transmission channel will use separate transmit and receive paths.

WAL Unbundled Local Loop - 2-Wire or 4-Wire Analog (Voice Grade) Loop Product Diagram

The following WLV products are available:

  • WLV Business and WLV Residential.
  • WLV Centrex.
  • WLV Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Basic Rate Interface (BRI).
  • WLV Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Trunks.
  • WLV Public Access Lines (PAL).
  • WLV Voice Messaging Services (VMS).


WLV products are available where facilities exist throughout CenturyLink QC.

You may request installation of new service or convert existing, comparable CenturyLink retail or resale services to WLV. When you convert services, WLV terms and conditions apply as of the first date of WLV service.

WLV products are intended and available for end-user applications only and may not be ordered for your own administrative use.

Shared Transport: This element of WLV service provides interoffice switching within the local calling area and is the collective interoffice transmission facilities shared by various carriers (including CenturyLink) between end-office Switches and between end-office Switches and local tandem Switches. Transport beyond CenturyLink's local interoffice network will be carried on CenturyLink's IntraLATA toll network and provided by CenturyLink to CLEC only if CLEC chooses CenturyLink to provide IntraLATA Toll Services for its WLV End User Customers. The existing routing tables resident in the Switch will direct both CenturyLink and CLEC traffic over CenturyLink's interoffice message trunk network.

CenturyLink IntraLATA Toll, Local Primary Interexchange Carrier (LPIC) 5123: CenturyLink does not authorize CLEC to offer, request or select CenturyLink Local Primary Interexchange Carrier (LPIC) 5123 service to CLEC's End User Customers for intra Local Access and Transport Area (intraLATA) toll service with any WLV Service in any state. In the event CLEC assigns the CenturyLink LPIC 5123 to CLEC's End User Customers, CenturyLink will bill CLEC and CLEC will pay CenturyLink the rates contained or referenced in CLEC's WLV Rate Sheet.

CenturyLink IntraLATA Toll, LPIC 0432: CenturyLink LPIC 0432 is available for selection with WLV in all states where available. When selected, CenturyLink will maintain a direct relationship with the end-user. CenturyLink will directly bill the end-user for their intraLATA toll service and usage at rates and in accordance with terms and conditions for the plan selected by the end-user in their negotiations with CenturyLink. For more information refer to the Long Distance Carrier Selection Overview.

Terms and Conditions

WLV products are business-to-business arrangements provided in accordance with Commercial Agreements between CenturyLink and interested CLEC customers.

The following products and services are not available with WLV:

  • Inside wiring and jacks. CenturyLink will not wire past the Network Interface Device (NID).
  • Inside Wire (IW) Maintenance Plan
  • Certain CenturyLink Toll Products and Services, such as CenturyLink Calling Cards, 800 Service Line, etc.
  • CenturyLink Choice TV/CenturyLink On-line
  • Special Billing Arrangements
  • Customized Routing

For information regarding new service installation requests for which facilities are determined unavailable, view Provisioning and Installation Overview.

You may request disconnection of an existing Unbundled Local Loop service and the installation of new, functionally similar, WLV service for the same end-user. This change in service configuration requires coordination between you and CenturyLink for order placement, due dates, and Local Number Portability (LNP) arrangements (if Port In is desired). To minimize service interruption, CenturyLink will reuse facilities as technically feasible and appropriate. Contact your CenturyLink Representative for more information.

Listings: All WLV products include either one residential or one business directory listing, based on the product requested, for each main telephone number, at no charge. Premium and privacy listings are also available with WLV services. Information describing directory listings is described in Directory Listings.

Directory advertising charges must be removed from CenturyLink retail accounts when you convert these services to WLV. You will be required to establish separate billing with the directory publishers for the end-user's directory advertising.

911: Access to 911/ Enhanced 911 (E911) is included with WLV. You must provide CenturyLink with accurate end-user location information for state regulated emergency reasons. Guidelines on how end-user information is updated for the 911/E911 system are located in Access to Emergency Services (911/E911).

Technical Publications

Technical characteristics are contained in the applicable Tariff and may have references to certain Technical Publications.


Rate Structure

Non-recurring Charges (NRCs) for WLV Installation, Disconnection (in some states), Conversion, and Feature activity are provided in the WLV Commercial Rate Sheets, Interconnection Rate Sheets, and appropriate tariffs.

Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs) for WLV are the sum of the monthly recurring rates of the service offerings ordered by the CLEC from their WLV Commercial Rates Sheets, Interconnection Rate Sheets, and appropriate tariffs.

Local Switching and Shared Transport MOUs are billed per MOU for Residential, Business, and measured PAL services. Local Switching and Shared Transport charges on the remaining WLV products are billed per line/trunk, per month.

Surcharges: CenturyLink does not assess surcharges in conjunction with WLV, and none of the following surcharge USOCs should be included on any WLV LSR:

  • Federal Carrier Access Line Charge (CALC) or End-User Line Charge - 9LM or 9ZR
  • Federal Universal Service Fund Charge - 9PZ++
  • Local Surcharge for Emergency Reporting Service/911 Emergency Service Fund - UXTAB, UXTBC, UXTBJ, UXTCB, UXTDH, UXTEA, UXTEC, UXTEP, UXTEX, UXTFN, UXTH5, UXTMN
  • Telecommunications Relay Charge - AH8
  • Telephone Assistance Plan - LXSMN
  • Rating element for an access line - DTLRX, DTLBX


Depending on WLV Services ordered MRCs and NRCs are available in the:

  • Rate Sheet of your Commercial Agreement.
  • Rate Sheet or Exhibit A of your applicable ICA.
  • Applicable Tariff for features and services.

Geographic Deaveraging applies to the UBL element of WLV. Information describing Geographic Deaveraging is available in Geographic Deaveraging - General Information.

Nebraska WLV circuits only:

Effective September 19, 2011, you must place either the USOC XCBO2 (2-wire) or XCBO4 (4-wire) on your WLV LSR if your End-User is in an “Out of Town” location. Additional information on determining this classification is in Geographic Deaveraging - General Information.

The Subsequent Order NRC, USOC NHCUU or NHCVQ, provided in your Rate Sheet is applicable in all states, on a per-order basis when changes are requested to existing service. This includes changing a telephone number, initiating or removing Suspension of Service, denying or restoring service, adding, removing, or changing features, and other similar requests.

Tariffs, Regulations and Policies

Tariffs, regulations, and policies are located in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.

WLV lines and facilities will not terminate or be re-terminated in a collocation space.


Product Prerequisites

If you are a new CLEC and are ready to do business with CenturyLink, view Getting Started as a Facility-Based CLEC, Interconnection Agreement, and Commercial Agreements.


General pre-ordering activities are described in Pre-Ordering Overview.

Requirements for pre-ordering are described in Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG) Pre-Order.

Border town characteristics, including a NPA/NXX matrix are described in the Pre-Ordering Overview.


Until such time that system changes are updated to reflect a REQTYP specific to WLV, you will follow the predecessor product (Unbundled Network Element - Platform (UNE-P)) process for ordering WLV products.

General ordering activities are described in the Ordering Overview.

LSRs that specify conversion activity to or from WLV may require CenturyLink to issue multiple orders. The LSR Activity Type With Associated Central Office (CO) Switch Activity details LSR activity type, service order activity, CO switch activity and expected service conditions for each WLV product.

WLV service requests are placed using the Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG) forms. Form and field entry requirements are described in the LSOG.

When changing existing NES or UBL to WLV, the following field entries are required along with the form and field requirements of the specific WLV product requested.

WLV Business and Residential POTS requests will use the Port Service (PS) form. Products other than POTS (ISDN BRI and PBX Designed Trunks) will use the RS form.

LSR Form FieldValid Entry

Change in service configuration from UBL or NES to WLV. The existing UBL or NES account number is______."

If requesting a Port In include "Port In to WLV - reuse facilities"



If requesting a Port In

Listing Requirements: When requesting a full conversion to WLV service from existing Retail/Resale/WLV using the LSR ACT Type = V, all listings on the current account must be addressed using applicable LACT values or the listing will be rejected. If there are no change(s) to the listing(s), the listing(s) should have the LACT value of Z. If the LSR ACT Type = V, and a LACT value of Z is present on the DL form, the TN will be used for validation purposes, but all other information on the DL form will be ignored. The listing will remain exactly as it exists on CenturyLink's Customer Service Record. If any change(s) are made to a listing(s), then LACT O, I or D values should be entered. LSRs with 'LACT = N - New Listing' selected when changes are being made to existing listings will be manually rejected by CenturyLink. Only new listings may be added with LACT = N during conversion activity. Existing listings may be deleted during conversion activity with LACT = D - Delete Listing.

In addition, if any change(s) are made to any existing listing(s) using LSR ACT = C, T or R, then LACT = O, I, or D values should be entered.

LSR Form FieldValid Entry

NOTE: Full conversions submitted with ACT - Z (Conversions as specified/No DL) indicates that no listing changes are being requested. Listing forms are not used with this activity type and are not present in the EASE-LSR Graphical User Interface (GUI).

For full conversions with no changes to listings:

DL Form FieldValid Entry
Listing Control Section 1Existing Listing - Current values
LACTZ - (No change to Listing)
RTYAny listing type

For full conversions with changes to the listings:

DL Form FieldValid Entry
Listing Control Section 1Existing Listing - Current values
LACTO - Change (Old Data)
RTYAny listing type
Listing Control Section 2Existing Listing - New values
LACTI - Change (New Data)
RTYAny listing type

Provisioning and Installation

General provisioning and installation activities are described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

Maintenance and Repair

CenturyLink will take trouble reports only from you. CenturyLink will not take repair reports from second or third parties, including the end-user. If an end-user attempts to report maintenance trouble, CenturyLink will advise the end-user to call you to report the maintenance trouble. If available, CenturyLink will provide your name and contact information to the end-user.

General maintenance and repair activities are described in the Maintenance and Repair Overview.


WLV products are billed month to month on a summary bill and have a one-month minimum service period requirement for each CLEC End-user Customer. This is the period of time that you are required to pay 100% of the monthly recurring price for the service even if you do not retain the service for the entire month. After the one-month minimum service period is satisfied, the service will be pro-rated for partial months based on the number of days the service was provided.

Ensemble is the new billing system for customers. For questions about the bill, please follow the instructions on the reverse side of each billing statement.

The Ensemble bill is described in Billing Information – Ensemble.

CenturyLink will provide daily usage data via the Daily Usage File (DUF). This file is generated by CenturyLink and records your end-users switching activity and switched access usage. Switch activity recorded includes local and intraLATA originating calls, special services, DA calls, and access records for interLATA calls made from the CenturyLink switch.

Local Switching and Shared Transport MOU data is provided via the DUF for WLV Residential, Business, and measured PAL. Local Switching MOU and Shared Transport MOU data is provided for terminating switched access usage on all WLV products.

Excluding unique WLV Classes of Service and Line USOCs, existing retail and resale USOCs are used for ordering and provisioning WLV services. Use of USOCs and Field IDentifiers (FIDs) are described in USOCs and FIDs Overview. Use of the USOC/FID Finder will assist you in identifying USOC and FID requirements.


View CenturyLink courses by clicking on Training Catalog.


CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.

Last Update: October 23, 2023

Last Reviewed: February 29, 2024